
New High Point Showroom

You've heard the rumors and they are true! We are opening our own "to the trade" showroom at High Point Market on June 2, 2021- just in time for the spring (er..summer?) market! And what's better - we are sharing the space with the uber talented artists from...

Is your Foam “Toxic”?

There are always a bunch of questions about foam - after all it is a petroleum by product and nobody is a big fan of petroleum these days. But we have done our best to source the highest quality foam available, always keeping an eye on balancing quality with cost. So...

Four Benefits of Bespoke Furniture

There are many reasons individuals come to us with their custom furniture needs. Many of them spend hours in retail furniture stores unable to find something they love entirely and end up settling for less, only to realize later that it wasn’t the wisest investment....

Our Construction Process

The Frame Here at Barnes, our furniture begins as high-quality NC Kiln-dried maple. It is the most effective wood selection for furniture making because of the drying process it undergoes. Check out our upcoming in-depth article about this process and the advantages...