
Quick Ship Program

We are kicking off the new year with a brand new Quick Ship program on our most popular styles!  Here are the details: Quick Ship only applies to specific styles and trims No customization is allowed on Quick Ship items including changes to dimensions, skirts,...

Introducing Ted Scott Designs

We know we kinda surprised you with this new name and we’re sure you have questions!  Here are some of the questions we would ask if we were you.  If we forgot something - let us know!  We’ll gladly answer any questions or concerns you may have! Why is the name...

Welcome Brenda!

For the first five years after buying the company virtually all customer interactions came through me.  Granted, Vickie was invaluable (as always) with answering questions, handling all shipping and a multitude of other items but the day-to-day “customer service” and...

Understanding Production Schedules

We are asked quite often, "why can't you give me a firm completion date?"  While that seems like a simple question, the answer, I'm afraid, is quite complex. Let's start by looking at one of the "big box" manufacturers - you know the ones with their names on big...


One of our most requested items is banquettes.  The good news is that we have spent much of the past year working on a super easy to understand, easy to order banquette program and it is finally ready to roll out!  Unfortunately the web developers haven't caught up to...

What caused the long lead times?

For years and years, 8 - 10 week lead times were the industry standard.  Anytime you heard of a plant exceeding 10 weeks you automatically thought the worst.  At least until the Pandemic of 2020 hit, 8 weeks was the standard amount of time it took to produce and ship...

In the Showroom – June 2021

Wow!  What a way to start!  For those of you that made it to our new trade-only showroom at 410 N Wrenn in High Point - thank you!  We had high hopes but low expectations - but you had something else in mind!  You decided to blow us away with great traffic, wonderful...

New High Point Showroom

You've heard the rumors and they are true! We are opening our own "to the trade" showroom at High Point Market on June 2, 2021- just in time for the spring (er..summer?) market! And what's better - we are sharing the space with the uber talented artists from...

Is your Foam “Toxic”?

There are always a bunch of questions about foam - after all it is a petroleum by product and nobody is a big fan of petroleum these days. But we have done our best to source the highest quality foam available, always keeping an eye on balancing quality with cost. So...

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