Much to the chagrin of designers, homeowners are crazy for their adjustable beds!  And while adjustable beds allow clients to have their perfect comfort, for designers – “adjustable bed” has become synonymous with “ugly bed”.  Until now!

Adjustable beds are a combination of a special mattress and a unique frame or “stand” on which the mattress sits.  The frame/stand has built in technology to raise and lower different parts of the mattress.  These frames are designed to be free standing and are typically the same size as the mattress that sits on top.

The good news – in most instances that adjustable bed frame can sit inside of our upholstered bed rails.  Typically our upholstered bed rails have support slats that hold the box springs and mattress.  When installing an adjustable bed, your installer simply places the adjustable bed in the room then installs our upholstered rails around the adjustable bed frame.  In this application, our uphlolstered bed rails act as only decorative elements as they do not support the mattress.

Finally – a solution to even make those ugly adjustable beds a part of your beautiful design plan!


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